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Events >>

Lake Tahoe Hi Lo's contribute to many different type of events.

30th Annual Gambler's Poker Run

Each year our only fundraiser is the Annual Gambler’s Poker Run, this event allows us to donate to local charities like The Boy’s and Girl’s Club, Live Violence Free, Local schools, Friends of the Rubicon, and much more. Our members spend a lot of time doing trail work and cleanup to help keep our local trails open.  Our 30th Annual Gambler’s Poker Run will be held on August 15, 2020, near Markleeville, at junction of Hwy 4 & Wolf Creek Rd. The attendees get to enjoy a scenic, guided, slow moving 4-wheel drive trip over designated forest service roads. Afterward they come back to camp where they enjoy a BBQ and Raffle.




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Please visit our 4 Wheel Drive Runs page and Work Parties Page for more details and events.

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